9.5. 演習・交通手段分類(データの特徴をつかむ)#


from geopy import distance
import numpy as np
from math import radians, cos, sin, asin, sqrt, atan2
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
%matplotlib inline
# load the GPS data which we cleaned in 00_clean_GPS_data.ipynb
user = '010'
traj_df = pd.read_csv(f'./traj_{user}_labeled.csv', index_col=0)
# traj_df = pd.read_csv(f'./traj_{user}_labeled.csv', index_col=0)
/var/folders/z5/0lnyp_m54dqc1xkz22ncbj2h0000gn/T/ipykernel_33083/953823710.py:3: DtypeWarning: Columns (10) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
  traj_df = pd.read_csv(f'./traj_{user}_labeled.csv', index_col=0)
latitude longitude height days_total date time record_dt user trans_trip trans_mode
0 39.138159 117.217108 -36 39805.961748 2008-12-23 23:04:55 2008-12-23 23:04:55 10 NaN NaN
1 39.138196 117.217068 -72 39805.961759 2008-12-23 23:04:56 2008-12-23 23:04:56 10 NaN NaN
# exclude the rows containing no information about transportation mode
traj_df = traj_df.dropna(subset=['trans_mode'], axis=0)
print("Size of observations: {:,}".format(traj_df.shape[0]))
Size of observations: 534,140
latitude longitude height days_total date time record_dt user trans_trip trans_mode
0 39.845966 116.473938 131 39713.992662 2008-09-22 23:49:26 2008-09-22 23:49:26 10 163.0 train
1 39.846383 116.473363 135 39713.992674 2008-09-22 23:49:27 2008-09-22 23:49:27 10 163.0 train
2 39.846803 116.472788 141 39713.992685 2008-09-22 23:49:28 2008-09-22 23:49:28 10 163.0 train
3 39.847218 116.472213 141 39713.992697 2008-09-22 23:49:29 2008-09-22 23:49:29 10 163.0 train
4 39.847631 116.471641 141 39713.992708 2008-09-22 23:49:30 2008-09-22 23:49:30 10 163.0 train

9.5.1. 一つ前の場所(ポイント)からの時間差を計算する#

# convert time values to timestamp
traj_df['timestamp'] = traj_df['time'].apply(lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x))
# sort values by trip id (trans_trip) and timestamp
traj_df.sort_values(['trans_trip','timestamp'], inplace=True)
# create the start and end time for each trajectory
traj_df['time_delta'] = (traj_df.timestamp - traj_df.groupby(['trans_trip']).timestamp.shift(1))
traj_df['dt_seconds'] = traj_df['time_delta'].dt.seconds

Let’s check the histogram of longest time between two points per trip.

# plot the histogram of the maximum time differences between points per trip
trip_dt = traj_df.groupby(['trans_trip']).dt_seconds.max()
trip_dt.hist(bins=10, figsize=(3,2))
# Let's also print out the percentiles of the maximum time differences between points per trip
print(trip_dt.quantile(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)))
0.0       1.0
0.1       2.0
0.2       2.0
0.3       4.0
0.4      48.0
0.5      61.0
0.6      82.0
0.7     120.0
0.8     317.0
0.9    1076.0
Name: dt_seconds, dtype: float64
# summary info on time differences between points, grouped by trip id (trans_trip)
mean median max min count
airplane 3699.000000 3699.0 7394.0 4.0 2
bus 2597.941176 67.5 85896.0 2.0 34
car 119.000000 119.0 119.0 119.0 1
subway 1916.595745 59.0 85903.0 2.0 47
taxi 7997.218750 68.5 85474.0 2.0 96
train 8911.393939 1061.0 84677.0 2.0 99
walk 602.006579 3.0 85263.0 1.0 152

Since airplane and car trips are less, we remove these modes for further analysis.

traj_df = traj_df[~traj_df['trans_mode'].isin(['airplane','car'])]

9.5.2. 前のポイントからの距離#

# store previous points' latitude and logitude by using `shift` function of pandas
traj_df[['latitude_prev','longitude_prev']] = traj_df.groupby('trans_trip')[['latitude','longitude']].shift(1)
def calc_distance(lat2, lon2, lat1, lon1):
    """function to calculate distances between two coordinates
    if pd.isna(lat1) or pd.isna(lon1):
        return np.nan
        return distance.great_circle((lat2, lon2), (lat1, lon1)).km
# map the calculation function above to the dataframe
traj_df['distance'] = traj_df.apply(lambda x:calc_distance(x["latitude"], x["longitude"], x['latitude_prev'], x['longitude_prev']), axis=1)
latitude longitude height days_total date time record_dt user trans_trip trans_mode timestamp time_delta dt_seconds latitude_prev longitude_prev distance
1 39.894178 116.318200 -777 39535.621296 2008-03-28 14:54:40 2008-03-28 14:54:40 10 1.0 train 2024-05-18 14:54:40 NaT NaN NaN NaN NaN
2 39.894505 116.321132 -777 39535.621690 2008-03-28 14:55:14 2008-03-28 14:55:14 10 1.0 train 2024-05-18 14:55:14 0 days 00:00:34 34.0 39.894178 116.3182 0.252764

9.5.3. 速度#


traj_df['speed'] = \
            np.where(((traj_df['distance'].notnull())&(traj_df['dt_seconds']!=0)), traj_df['distance'] / 
                     (traj_df['dt_seconds'] / 3600), 0)
# Let's check the descriptions of speed per transportation mode
mean min max std
bus 40.731893 0.0 219.970336 29.834764
subway 52.369217 0.0 217.578404 25.219674
taxi 30.355116 0.0 156.129306 27.505678
train 87.305798 0.0 76412.488301 129.458882
walk 5.453786 0.0 77.700333 3.290184

9.5.4. 加速度#


# store previous points' speed
traj_df['speed_prev'] = traj_df.groupby('trans_trip')['speed'].shift(1)
def calc_accel(speed_1, speed_2, time_diff_sec):
    """function to calculate acceleration between two points
    speed_delta = speed_2 - speed_1
    if (time_diff_sec == 0) or (speed_delta == 0):
        return 0
    return speed_delta / time_diff_sec
# map the above calculation fuction to the dataframe
traj_df['accel'] = traj_df.apply(lambda x: calc_accel(x['speed'], x['speed_prev'], x['dt_seconds']), axis=1)
# check basic statistics of acceleration per transportation mode
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
bus 35156.0 -0.072119 5.457844 -166.371582 -1.161253 -3.753887e-06 1.108991 178.138813
subway 20338.0 -0.091452 6.851066 -136.151441 -1.233928 2.384665e-01 1.791577 126.904634
taxi 56731.0 -0.061755 4.192712 -97.929174 -1.272490 0.000000e+00 1.300822 96.055705
train 380835.0 -0.007112 4.349676 -1122.655229 -0.973044 4.474713e-09 0.987760 1293.744609
walk 36954.0 -0.051443 3.310213 -64.769768 -1.191070 2.163060e-03 1.201445 59.242515

9.5.5. Angular velocity#

ここでは、2点間の角度の差/2点間の時間の差でAngular velocityを計算します。


def calc_angle(lat1, lat2, lon1, lon2):
    """function to calculate angle differences between two coordinates
    x = cos(lat2) * sin(lon2-lon1)
    y = cos(lat1) * sin(lat2) - sin(lat1) * cos(lat2) * cos(lon2-lon1)
    brng = atan2(x, y)
    brng = np.degrees(brng)
    brng = brng + 360 if brng < 0 else brng
    return brng
# apply the calculation function abvoe to the dataframe
traj_df['angle'] = traj_df.apply(lambda x: calc_angle(x['latitude'], x['latitude_prev'], x['longitude'], x['longitude_prev']), axis=1)
# print out the description of angle differences between two points per transportation mode
count mean std min 25% 50% 75% max
bus 35156.0 159.299021 111.391769 -0.0 68.399355 172.127466 255.799236 359.999455
subway 20338.0 137.644859 104.230577 0.0 19.438924 173.706695 196.554703 359.827198
taxi 56731.0 158.724686 116.988570 -0.0 29.485250 178.534543 226.851081 359.929870
train 380835.0 179.733586 103.023225 0.0 98.886739 179.800484 269.325408 359.999506
walk 36954.0 181.486218 104.497955 0.0 97.345459 181.463673 269.999640 359.812308

Angular velocityを求めます。

def calc_angular_velocity(angle1, angle2, time_diff_sec):
    """function to calculate angular velocity
    bear_delta = angle2 - angle1
    if time_diff_sec == 0:
        return 0
    return abs(bear_delta / time_diff_sec)
# create a new column holding the previous points' angle difference
traj_df['angle_prev'] = traj_df.groupby('trans_trip')['angle'].shift(1)
# apply the calculation function to the dataframe
traj_df['angular_velocity'] = traj_df.apply(lambda x: calc_angular_velocity(x['angle'],x['angle_prev'],x['dt_seconds']), axis=1)
count    529586.000000
mean         10.510742
std          45.292572
min           0.000000
25%           0.272122
50%           0.870065
75%           2.537062
max         359.997255
Name: angular_velocity, dtype: float64

9.5.6. 特徴の可視化#


# define a color list for visualizations
colors = ['#0C5DA5', '#00B945', '#FF9500', '#FF2C00', '#845B97', '#474747', '#9e9e9e'] トリップごとのAngular velocity とスピードの関係性#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
markers = ['^', 'o', 's', 'v', 'd']
# iterate over transportation modes
for i, mode in enumerate(traj_df['trans_mode'].unique()):
    # create sub-dataframe holding the rows with the mode
    chunk = traj_df[traj_df['trans_mode']==mode]
    # create mean scores of speed and angular_velocity per trip
    trip_df = chunk.groupby('trans_trip')[['speed', 'angular_velocity']].mean()
    # create scatter plots of speed and angular_velocity per trip
    ax.scatter(trip_df['speed'], trip_df['angular_velocity'], facecolor = 'None', 
               marker = markers[i], edgecolor=colors[i], label=mode, linewidth=0.8)
ax.set_xlabel('speed (km/h)')
ax.set_ylabel('angular velocity (deg/sec)')
../../_images/0bb5da450c1c1ad58e61fc39eeaf56fb1d03737908fa7bdce3c8d2cec10fa16c.png 各交通手段ごとの加速度の箱ひげ図の確認#

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4, 3))
markers = ['^', 'o', 's', 'v', 'd']
accel_df = traj_df.groupby(['trans_mode', 'trans_trip'])[['accel']].mean().reset_index()
sns.boxplot(data=accel_df, x="trans_mode", y="accel", 
            # showfliers=True, 
            notch=True, showcaps=False,
            flierprops={"marker": "x"},
            boxprops={"facecolor": (.4, .6, .8, .2)},
            medianprops={"color": "coral"}, 
            ax = ax)
ax.set_xlabel('transportation mode')

9.5.7. 次の分析のために作成した特徴量データを保存します。#

# drop the rows without dt_seconds values
traj_df = traj_df[traj_df['dt_seconds'].notnull()]
# drop the rows which has 0 seconds gaps from previous points
traj_df = traj_df[~(traj_df['dt_seconds']==0)]
path = f'traj_{user}_labeled_with_features.csv'